Friday, June 27, 2008

The Dating Game

Play the game their way and win!

Being single again doesn't mean you have to be lonely and depressed. Consider it a good thing because you can do whatever you want without having to answer to anyone. The dating game has double standards, meaning women shouldn't do the same things men do. Now that its 2008 the same rules just don't apply. Today women wear the pants and skirts, we are able to make the same amount if not more money than men, We are head of our households, we have the power to make major decisions without a males opinion. Women can do more things at once than man can do at any given moment. Always remember the only thing men have over women is physical strength!

Now when you meet a man you can take control of everything in a sexy feminine way and get what you want. Be sure to ask all the questions you didn't ask the last person. Thing is to be upfront with them in the beginning. Don't be afraid to tell them what you don't want and what you expect from them. Suggest they do the same. This way both of you will know what to expect and there is no misunderstanding.

You will find that men can't handle this as well as women. Remember men are more visual and they only want you to be interested in them. You dating someone else and them at the same time is a turn off. Some will go for the competition at first because they want to be chosen.

Once you put yourself in the dating game be prepared mentally if you don't want to be with just one person it may be a good idea to limit time and conversation with any one person to keep from getting caught up. Keep it moving! Looking at it as fishing, you can always throw back the one you don't want and vice versa. Don't forget you have options! No need to settle.

You only have one life to live. Live it to the fullest and be safe while doing it!

Share your opinion. Email me at

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What To Do After A Break Up


Unfortunately breaking up with someone doesn't come with a how to manual and if it did men
wouldn't read it anyway. There are millions of reasons why people break up. Whatever the case may be, feelings don't go away over night. Its hard to except someone didn't love you as much as you loved them. Do not blame yourself for anything. To know that you've given your best and that wasn't good enough is a heart breaker in itself!

However life goes on and the road to recovery involves some mental and physical changes. Its normal to be emotional and upset because this was someone you truly cared about. You know the saying, " things happen for a reason". Its not your place to find that reason, trust God and thank him for it. Now you can think about yourself and what makes you happy.

Now it's time to celebrate! Redecorate your living space without his/her pictures. Don't feel guilty about it, the memories in your heart will last forever (if you want them to). Reinvent yourself! The goal is to create a new love for yourself and make him/her hate themselves the next time they see you. Remember the beautiful person that you are and don't let anyone change you. The person who wronged you missed out!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

After The Lust Is Gone

Now that the steam in the bedroom has cleared, Is it really love?

Relationships tend to have the same story book beginnings....... Once upon a time you met this guy and he was everything you ever wanted. You seem to think that this one completes because of all the things you both enjoy, such as long walks in the park, you both like hot wings from the same place, the same reality shows, this one even watched and said he enjoyed your favorite chic flick, which confirmed it all for you. On top of all that he compliments you almost everyday, kisses you often, and does just about whatever you like.

Lets skip to the middle of the story. Its been a year and you guys have been around each other non stop since the day you met. Things are good but not as good as they were in the beginning. He's not complimenting you as much, the walks in the park have officially ended and hot wings from that "special place" are not a big deal anymore. Now what?

Now that the thrill is gone, do you know why you are still together? In the words of Tina,
" What's Love Got To Do With It?" While love is the foundation, there are many elements that hold that love together such as the consideration, communication, money, support and respect. There have probably been days when you wish you could click your heels and disappear, which is okay! Thing is, if you could disappear, would you return? How long would you stay gone and what would you do is probably the best way to answer the question as to whether or not your relationship is surviving off love or lust.

Its understood that all relationships will have their issues. What determines if it sinks or swim is how those issues are dealt with. Sometimes you will have to agree to disagree and move on. For more serious issues you will have to compromise with each other. When you are dealing with serious issues it may be a good idea to remember why you were so attracted to each other. Hopefully this will make it easier and quicker to resolve your issue(s).

If its love or lust, time will tell you sooner than later. Once you figure it out do what you gotta do. We only have one life to live. Live it to its fullest potential and make a way out of no way. That's what women do.

Thoughts and opinions matter! send me yours

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Don't Get Trumped!!

Most of us fear losing our jobs for all the obvious reasons, we have mouths to feed and bills that probably become due almost every week. Think outside the norm for a second. What if you went to work as usual only to collect a pink slip. What would you do then? We all know that finding a job is a job in itself. Remember gas prices are high, money is limited and its hot! At some point sending resumes by email won't be enough. Eventually you will have to get out and physically look for something. Around this time we normally start to think about what we should have, could have, and would have done before things got to this point. Now that its too late for those thoughts why not consider something completely different from what you are used to. Something that will offer you more flexibility, more time at home, and more control over your life and how much you earn. Why not work from home!

Think about the things you do at work now. You could do most of those same things from home or you could choose to start your own business. Statistics show that home based businesses are growing rapidly because people have realized just as much money can be made inside the home as well as outside the home. People are able to spend more time with their families and simply enjoy life the way it should be

The benefits of working from home out number the traditional way of working. While there is nothing wrong with getting up out of your bed to go to a place most of us hate anyway, dealing with difficult people, and not even getting paid what we are worth. Why would you or should you, especially if you have a choice. If that is what you prefer then go for it! Obviously there is nothing wrong with it. History shows that this method of earning a living does work.

However, should you decide to try this out, even as a part time job, there are some things you should know before you make this life changing decision. Depending on what type of job you choose the pay rate will most likely be different from what you are used to. When working from home you can make more money off the type of jobs you do as well as how often they need to be done and of course how well you can do it in the time permitted. Whenever looking at a home based business online, make sure they are listed with the Better Business Bureau, have a physical address and a phone number that you can call and actually speak to a live person. Always do your homework on the company you are considering. Some companies require money for their services and/or start up cost. Keep in mind there are many positions that will allow you to work from the comfort of your own home.

Making this decision can be the key to the life you've always dreamed of! Keep hope alive!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

DON'T EVER..................

Let anybody tell you that you aren't worthy of respect no matter what!

Allow people and/or situations determine who you are when you know yourself better!

Think you are less that the perfect creation that God made you.

Give up on yourself

Say NEVER!!!!!!!!!!

Think that people aren't watching

Think that someone won't tell your business

Think that you are an exception to any rule

Believe one side of the story

Think that you are always right

Think you can't or won't be replaced

Look down on someone because they don't know what you have done.

Think people don't know what you've done

Think people won't see you for who you really are.

Forget the one person that knows your heart.